The Pikin for Read and Eat Campaign is a humanitarian movement or gesture that mainly gears towards promoting the culture of reading text books amongst school going children in Sierra Leone especially those in the poor rural communities whose parents or guardians cannot adequately provide for them, and at the same time providing them with basic school materials like text books, exercise books, school bags, foot wears etc...
This campaign is the made up of different intellectual individuals of diverse academic and financial backgrounds who will raise funds through yearly, monthly or weekly contributions to help provide these essential materials to students mainly in classes one to six.
However, in other to make this humanitarian gesture come to fruition, the movement is therefore kindly soliciting for your kind support. You can support us by subscribing to our weekly, monthly or yearly donations. The categories of these donations are as follow:
1. Gold---------------Le250,000
2. Silver---------------Le200,000
3. Bronze-------------Le150,000
1. Gold--------------Le500,000
2. Silver-------------Le400,000
3. Bronze------------Le300,000
1. Gold----------------Le5,000,000
2. Silver--------------Le4,000,000
3. Bronze-------------Le3,000,000